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« Help for Ukraine »

Charitable Foundation

(Nadační fond POMOC UKRAJINĚ)

Foundation was created by concerned Ukrainians who currently live and work in the Czech Republic. We strive to provide assistance and support to those who are in difficult life circumstances in Ukraine and forcibly in the Czech Republic.

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Our mission

We actively cooperate with various organizations, including the "PostBellum", "4UA", ‹‹Rateg››, the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic and many others in Ukraine and abroad. Our activities cover the whole of Ukraine, focusing on the areas where the situation is most difficult and where it is important to deliver aid in a timely manner to those who need it critically.We strive to create real changes in the lives of those in need and use our fund as a tool to unite efforts and overcome difficulties. Your support allows us to continue this extremely important mission.


Assistance to the families of fallen servicemen

Our foundation provides support for the families of fallen servicemen, namely, providing financial assistance in rebuilding lost homes and humanitarian assistance.


Helping animals

Of course, we do not forget about our smaller brothers. But we do our best so that they have everything they need for a healthy diet, and
active life in such difficult times.


Our foundation provides Ukrainian hospitals with the necessary equipment to conduct emergency operations for our servicemen. 

Assistance to hospitals


Assistance to refugees

The work of the charity fund is also aimed at supporting refugees who are currently in the Czech Republic in need of psychological, legal, informational, and humanitarian assistance.

 National support network

We work with a wide network of volunteers and business representatives across Ukraine. Thanks to our historical connections and the trust that has been built up through our direct work in business and life, we are able to provide fast and effective assistance where it is needed most.
Historically, depending on the situation at the front, we have helped in the most difficult regions of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odesa, Sumy, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. Today, we are most focused on all the toughest southeastern regions, in particular in Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts, to provide effective assistance and support to the residents of these regions.

Our Activities and Cooperation

Our foundation is used as a platform for coordinating and distributing aid.
We successfully cooperate with the Czech foundation ‹‹PostBellum››, the international foundation ‹‹4UA›› ‹‹Rateg››, the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic, as well as numerous charitable organizations and volunteers in Ukraine. As a result, we were able to provide a large amount of aid to the most vulnerable regions. This includes the delivery of hundreds of vehicles (buses, trucks) worth more than 30 million EUR and other vital goods to support those in the most difficult conditions.
A new part of the story is the involvement of Australian volunteers, business representatives and concerned citizens who are actively willing to help Ukraine from thousands of kilometers away.

Конкурс дитячого малюнка «Ми вимагаємо миру!»

22 серпня - 20 вересня

Із 22 серпня по 20 вересня діти від 6 до 14 років можуть надсилати свої роботи для участі в Конкурсі. Ми
пропонуємо показати в своїх роботах важливість миру і мирного неба для кожної людини, представити дитяче
бачення світу без воєн.

Упевнені, Конкурс буде цікавий як маленьким переселенцям із України, яких разом із родинами гостинно
прихистила Чеська Республіка, так і їх товаришам із Чехії, разом із яким вони цього року сядуть за парти.

Приносьте свої роботи, беріть участь у Конкурсі та долучайтеся до потужного Марафону Миру, започаткованого
БФ «Допомога Україні» разом із постійним партнером – юридичним бюро UNITED LEGAL PARTNERS.

«Щодня я та мої колеги бачать горе багатьох людей. Розгублені очі, діти, які опинилися в незвичних і від того
страшних для них умовах, матері, що не розуміють, як жити далі… Цей Конкурс може змінити все. Дітям легше
буде адаптуватися в складних умовах, батьки отримають допомогу, а світ, врешті, зверне увагу на
неприпустимість війни як такої. Саме тому я й вирішила започаткувати Марафон Миру із Конкурсу дитячого
малюнка. Я дуже сподіваюся, що чистий і щирий голос дітей буде почутий», - розповіла фундатор БФ «Допомога
Україні» Уляна Бондаревська Курівчакова.

Листи з роботами Ваших дітей просимо надсилати за адресою: Praha, Pařížská 127/20, 110 00

Або скануйте, та надсилайте на електронну скриньку:


About us 

We are a team of caring Ukrainians who live in the Czech Republic and have a sincere desire to help, and together we can do the impossible! Together we are strong!

We already have experience of assistance in such cities as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Bucha, Irpin, and many others. Help Stories Helping those who need it most and providing what is needed. We have caring Ukrainians who want to help the Ukrainian people in difficult times.


Історії допомогі

Допомога тим, хто найбільше цього
потребує та забезпечення тим, що є
необхідним. У нас є небайдужі українці, які
мають бажання допомогти українському
народу у скрутний час.

Дивитися історії

Change of Reality

Together we are strong! Thanks to You, our partners and volunteers, we continue our work to help Ukraine overcome its challenges and support those who need it most. Together, we can do much more than anyone can imagine on their own.

Call us:

+420 777 004 430

We are extremely grateful for any help you can give to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.



Our address:


Praha, Pařížská 127/20


143 06 875

Accounts to which funds can be transferred




IBAN CZ83 2010 0000 0021 0262 3654

Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici
1028/10, 117 21 Prague




IBAN CZ08 2010 0000 0021 0262 3646

Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici
1028/10, 117 21 Prague




IBAN CZ77 2010 0000 0020 0262 3649

Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici
1028/10, 117 21 Prague




IBAN CZ04 2010 0000 0029 0262 3652

Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici
1028/10, 117 21 Prague

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Ulijana Bondarevska Kurivchakova

We are extremely grateful for any help you can give to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

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Julie Kokolska

Member of the Board of Directors 


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Oleksandr Spitsyn

Member of the Board of Directors 

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Dmytro Nahornyi

Organizer of charity events

Reporting and Transparency

We ensure full transparency by taking photos, videos, and documentation. With the help of our volunteers and distribution system, we ensure that every donation reaches its intended purpose, overcoming the challenges we face in using resources efficiently.

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United Legal Partners

Our Partners

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The head and founder of charity organization

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